manifestationsofthestrangemind/ (clicky clickie...)

( p e e k a b o o ! )

combustable combination of m&m's + straying vocals + totally kick ass imagination

Loves family, friends and obviously, him!

( p e o p l e )
Vien Jerry Raj Sophia Jon Tommy Alvin Katrina Katrina II Jacinta Dwayne
( M u m b o J u m b o )

Unless stated, photos featured in this blog is not by me!
Layout done by 16thday :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012, 7:55 PM

In the spirit of the new years and its traditions, here are my list of resolutions.

1. Be more sociable and less shy.
Actually, I don't think I am a very shy person. It's more of a 'Should I ask this question/talk this topic? or will it offend her/him/them?' Too afraid that I would pissed someone off till I am incapable to speak out my thoughts.

2. Take up swimming again.

3. Get my priorities straight!

4. Improve my time management!

5. Help more people, whenever possible but withdraw if it brings a huge disadvantage to me.

6. Learn to drive...

7. ... and Cantonese.

8. Learn how to say NO.

9. The most important of all: Cut loose friends who are selfish, users and are basically everything what a real friend is not.
Hate to do it but I have to put up a boundary line here. I was not born to be of your personal service.

ps Hate the current font size. Not idea why it is so small or too big no matter how I adjust it. Oh well.


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Friday, January 6, 2012, 12:53 AM

Reason why I have not been updating lately.
Nuff said.



Friday, December 23, 2011, 12:08 PM


This book series cover designs are to-die for fabulous. I love how the different brush strokes and depth of lines could represent the core essence of the stories. Plus it will be a nice addition to a library filled of first editions and great stories with great covers.

Oh how I wished.

Penguin commissioned Angus Hyland and his team to design a new series of five of Virginia Woolf'smajor works in hardback editions. The designs reference authentic period elements but do so in an entirely contemporary manner.

The dust jackets feature abstract compositions in the spirit of the textile designs of the Omega Workshop. The Workshop was founded by members of the Bloomsbury Group who included Woolf herself, her sister Vanessa Bell, and Duncan Grant.

The typography utilises Albertus, designed by Berthold Wolpe, and Gill Sans, designed by Eric Gill, both of whom were British typographers of the period.



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Thursday, December 8, 2011, 3:05 PM

Just realized the reason why the phrase 'Don't shoot the messenger' is so popular; it has some truth to it.

Moving on from that subject, photographs I have posted along with this posts had been taken weeks or months before. I was just too lazy to post it up here. Luckily, I'm in the mood right now or else who knows how long it would take me to.

Watch this space more. I'll be taking even more photographs and will be posting it here, rather than in Facebook. It is a preference that I myself won't be able to understand.

ps Photo credits aren't solely to me. * means taken by someone else.

Had no idea whether I was supposed to drink it separately or to dip the cake into the milk and eat it. I did both and it was awesome.

Words can't describe just how delicious both these mushroom chicken pie with cheddar cheese and crispy soft shell crap spaghetti was. Left me craving for more.

A shot of the both of us at said delicious food restaurant.

*Family reunion! Haven't seen them in three years.

On the way to Pulau Ketam :)

Failed attempt at panning. Shall try till I've got it perfected.

The boys.

The obligatory couple shot of us.


Loved Vien's expression and Lava's pout. Haha!

A little bit of me camwhoring xP

Playing with the camera when I accidentally got this effect. Decided that I love the distorted lighting mess of a blur look and went off to take more shots.

Ten glasses of juice/coke/mixture of both? and two RM10(wtf?) bottle of water for three people's consumption. Didn't eat dinner after that.

The most expensive pastas I've ever eaten and paid for. Two plate of it cost me about RM80++, tax not included.

*Behind that smile is me crying a little inside over the obscene pasta price. To be fair, it was the best I've ever tasted.

The End.


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